Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prayer for Special People

Every night before Riley goes to bed, we say our prayers then read a book. Since he says a prayer before lunch at his Big Boy School, he can recite it without much effort. In an attempt to teach him how to pray and not just repeat, before we say our prayer, Riley and I discuss want we want to talk to God about each night. On this particular evening, I asked Riley to tell me the people he wanted to thank God for and to ask God to take care of. Of course the list started with Daddy, and Kolden, and Grandy, and Mymo, and he went down the usuall list of everyone we love. Then we bowed our heads, and it was time to talk to God "for real" as he says. I started the prayer, then I let him tell God his list. As we went back over the names we had previously listed, two more made the cut that I was not expecting. It went something like this....

and Papa, and Poppy, and Gregory, and Miss Jan, and JOSH HAMILTON, and NELLY CRUZ, and Uncle Chrissy, etc......

It was all I could do to not let out a snicker, but my precious baby boy added two of his favorite baseball players in his prayer. Little did he know, this was the day that Josh had broken his arm, and I told Shad, our son didn't even realize it, but Josh needed his prayer today.

Thank you, God, for giving us such a kind-hearted little boy to raise.  
Oh, and Go Rangers!!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious prayer from a precious little boy! Don't you know God loved hearing that?
